Connect the Dots

Merge Data points from Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Banner Ads and Website Visits into one actionable format.

Understand how your digital audience is interacting with your online brand so you can better serve not only your new prospects but your existing customers at every stage of the customer/prospect life cycle.

Are kids too soft today

Are kids too soft today, and does social media discourage risk-taking? Thom and I discuss these ideas, along with preparing for big moments.

We talked about Wally Pipp. Do you know who that is?

You probably do not but his tale is very important. We also discuss the Kobe Bryant’s philosophy on taking the big shot.

This is a great segment….lot’s of nuggets for people at ALL stages of life.

#takeabreath #mergedanalytics #mpn

More episodes here…

Get good at managing money and hope for competition

Are you good at managing money?

One of the most important aspects of running a business is understanding how to manage money both for the business and for you personally.

Budgeting for taxes and other expenditures is vital again both professional and personal.

Take a Breath – Are you good at managing your money?

You can have the greatest product but if you run out of money…you will be out of business.

Thom and I also discuss how competition in your market segment is actually a positive sign in most cases.

Your competition verifies there is a need for what you are selling.

I would get more worried if I had NO competition.

Learn to love rejection

So you want to start your own business.

The Number 1 skill I would recommend you cultivate is….learn to love rejection!

For real….fall in love with it. Treat it as a game.

Even if you have the most amazing product….you will get plenty of no’s so the quicker you learn to love rejection….the better.

Get the “no’s” out of the way so you can make room for “YES’s” Thom and I had ways to deal with a “no” very early on.

We would tell each other good…we got a no…that means we are closer to a “YES”.

How do you deal with rejection?

more episodes….

#entreprenuership #mergedanalytics #takeabreath

Do you use hashtag#QRCodes?

hashtag#MergedAnalytics can provide detailed insights about the people who scan your QR Codes.

Here’s a real-life example: A private school we work with was sending out postcards to physical addresses, each featuring a QR Code. When scanned, these codes directed recipients to the school’s admissions page.

The school knew their QR Codes were being scanned, but they had no idea who was scanning them—until now.

Now, each postcard features a unique MergedAnalytics SmartLink embedded in its QR Code. With one unique SmartLink per address, the school receives an alert when a specific person scans their QR Code and visits the admissions page.

This means the school not only knows when a QR Code is scanned but also who is scanning it…BOOM!

You can use MergedAnalytics including this QR Code feature FREE. Link to full trial in comments.

and another one

Yet another Commercial Construction firm signed on today to use MergedAnalytics.

Understanding the Company Names and in many cases Email Addresses of who are engaging with your digital brand gives #mergedanalytics users a competitive advantage over their competition.

The engagement intelligence we deliver leads to earlier bids and increased project wins often before the competition is aware of an opportunity.

In Commerical Construction world…once you hear about an opportunity it is often too late to enter a bid.

try it free for 30 days with absolutely no obligation ….

Alerts for specific types of Engagement

#mergedanalytics provides visual indicators highlighting certain types of engagement.

For example…this image shows that I went to my Trial Sign UP page.

Other examples….

– If specific buttons were clicked on your website
– if specific PDF’s or Videos were clicked
– If specific banner ads were clicked
– Perfect feature for A/B testing

Try it today free for 30 days…. MergedAnalytics – Trial Request Form – Connecting the dots between Marketing and Sales.

Thom Stallings

#visualindicators #engagementintelligence