Who is Engaging with your website?

Can you name the 5 companies engaging most with your website today?

Do you know their exact needs and interests?

Do you know what led them to your website?

You should have this information at your fingertips.


You can.

New Daily and Weekly reports plus Zapier integration!

“Thank you so much for this update! We saw the new release, and it’s super helpful to have everything at a glance. We like the consolidated reports, and having this daily and weekly overview will be great.

The new API configuration for Zapier Webhooks sounds interesting too. “

The above was an email sent to me by one of my customers.

In the software world…new releases are always a little stressful. We want to make sure the new items make our users lives better.

Unless they tell you they like it…you really never know if they do until it is time for their renewal.

The new #MergedAnalytics release is by far the best yet.

Use Zapier to move data from MergedAnalytics

Push MergedAnalytics Engagement intelligence into your CRM, ESP or any other application with NOCODE!

How….With hashtag#Zapier!

Place the Zapier Webhook into the API configuration document within MergedAnalytics and you are done!

We have users who collect engagement data from MergedAnalytics and then move that intelligence into hashtag#Hubspot.

Curious about the engagement data we can deliver from your website? Try it FREE. https://lnkd.in/eqTHpNy

New Release

New Release of MergedAnalytics was rolled out to the entire userbase today.

1. Consolidated Daily Reports – See all engagement in one emailed report
2. Consolidated Weekly Report – See all engagement from previous week in one emailed report.
3. Zapier Webhook – Now users have an interface where they can in minutes configure MergedAnalytics to connect with applications through Zapier.
Connect MergedAnalytics with your CRM, ESP or any other application.

Get started with full free trial for 30 days – MergedAnalytics – Trial Request Form – Connecting the dots between Marketing and Sales.

hashtag#mergedanalytics hashtag#zapier hashtag#crm hashtag#esp

Get 1 report Daily of ALL of your website visitors.

You will know the Company Names and/or Email Addresses of the people who click through your website.

Understand how they found your website, how many times they returned, what they clicked on while there and how long they were viewing specific pages.

How can this information impact your sales process?

Are you curious to see what intelligence your website can provide you?

Try MergedAnalytics free for 30 days….MergedAnalytics – Trial Request Form – Connecting the dots between Marketing and Sales.

Type in “first hundred” in the promo code.

If you are in the first 100 sign ups this week…get 3 months FREE!

No annual contracts. Cancel anytime.

Thom Stallings

NEW – Daily and Weekly reports

Life is too short to go through emailed engagement reports.

MergedAnalytics released new Condensed Weekly and Daily Engagement reports.

These reports tell you the Email Addresses and/or Company Names of the people who engaged with your website.

Now it is up to you to convert them into business!

Thom Stallings

GIGO – Garbage in Garbage out

GIGO…Garbage in Garbage out . That is what happens if you enter CRM data in a NON uniform way.

How can you leverage data if the reporting is not accurate.

MergedAnalytics gives you engagement insights

Standardizing the data that is entered into a CRM is NOT just for management to see what you are doing.

It is for all parties to effectively utilize this data for so many different purposes. 1 such purpose could be creating a Language Model for AI.

Wouldn’t you like to quickly find contacts that spend a certain amount of money with you annually, who have kids who play specific sports from a specific area of the country?

Thom and I come from the CRM world . We designed, implemented, supported and trained organizations on our CRM tool for 20 years so we know a thing a two about the subject (not to brag) 🙂

hashtag#garbageingarbageout hashtag#crm hashtag#mergedanalytics hashtag#llm hashtag#ai hashtag#takeabreath

Listen to the data

Not all of your website engagement is from new prospects.

Competitors, partners, people who are seeking employment, advertisers and yes your customers will all engage with your website at some point.

When I was running my old software company our developer who created MergedAnalytics wanted to place the pixel on my website. I did not think I cared about who clicked through my website.

I found out quickly that I was wrong. The value I saw right away was seeing what my existing customers were doing on my website. I could see they were seeking support or trying to learn about something else we sold.

A light bulb went off for me.

Currently one of our customers is an investment management firm.

They are getting outstanding analytics but noticed one glaring issue.

They are not receiving analytics about prospects. Not seeing prospects engagement on their website told them they needed to amend their marketing strategy to increase that kind of traffic.

I discuss this in more detail in the following clip.

Curious about what we can deliver from your website?

Give it a try FREE for 30 days… https://mergedanalytics.com/trial/

#mergedanalytics #engagementintelligence

1st party Data Collection

Because of the imminent death of tracking cookies, Third party data is getting tougher to collect and less reliable making the collection of First Party data that much more important.

First-party data is information collected directly from your audience. It originates from your own channels, such as your website, app, or social media profiles.

Third-party data is collected by entities separate from your relationship with your audience.

It comes from external sources, such as data marketplaces or web cookie tracking.

#MergedAnalytics is an example of a tool that collects First Party Data. Curious about the data you can collect from your website?

Try MergedAnalytics FREE … https://mergedanalytics.com/trial/


#1stpartydata #trackingcookies