How one Marketing Company and one Design firm use the intelligence that MergedAnalytics delivers

In this segment of the “Take a Breath” podcast Thom Stallings the CRO of MergedAnalytics discusses two unique use cases from two companies in two different industries…

1. A Marketing Company we work with uses the intelligence received from MergedAnalytics to inject positive energy into their corporate culture by confirming their marketing efforts are indeed working! When highly sought after prospects spend time on their website….the CEO calls an “All hands on Deck” meeting with this news.

2. A Design Firm we work with uses the intelligence delivered by MergedAnalytics to carefully craft their prospect presentations to put themselves in a position to win business. This firm usually gets only ONE shot to present to their prospects. The intelligence received from MergedAnalytics is critical. They view MergedAnalytics as their secret competitive advantage.


PRESS RELEASE : MergedAnalytics LLC announces Mailchimp and MergedAnalytics integration!!!!!

MergedAnalytics®, is now tightly integrated with the Mailchimp email platform at no additional charge.

Online PR News – 29-May-2020 – Jackson, New Jersey – MergedAnalytics® is a leader in the small to medium size B2B space helping their customers gain an edge by utilizing their website visitor and URL click intelligence technology.

“Integrations with ESPs (Email Service Providers), like Mailchimp, compliment the intelligence we deliver to our users by providing even more actionable data than our users would normally receive. We will be integrating MergedAnalytics® with other ESPs and CRMs( Customer Relationship Management) in the near future as well. We focused on the Mailchimp user community because they own the largest share in our target market.” said Joe Singer, Chief Marketing Officer at MergedAnalytics LLC.

Like other ESPs, Mailchimp is an email platform that delivers analytics as it pertains to specific email campaign results. It notifies a user when a sent email from Mailchimp is opened and if links in that email have been clicked.

MergedAnalytics® takes over where Mailchimp leaves off.

“By utilizing MergedAnalytics® in conjunction with Mailchimp, our solution provides our customers the ability to continue to receive intelligence where the Mailchimp analytics stop”, said Mike Kinder, CTO at MergedAnalytics LLC.

“When Mailchimp email recipients navigate to OTHER pages on your website after that initial click on the link in the received Mailchimp email, MergedAnalytics® then provides the intelligence for the entire visit that may have otherwise been missed or tracked as unrelated to the Mailchimp activity.”

Additionally, when those visitors RETURN to your website outside of that original Mailchimp email… MergedAnalytics® will REMEMBER the associated Mailchimp account information. The subsequent MergedAnalytics® alerts will thus be able to show you not only the Mailchimp related data of the people returning to your website, but also the pages they visited, how long they spent on your website, and how many times they returned to your website.

“Lastly, when MergedAnalytics® customers click on the visitor information associated with the MergedAnalytics® Alert that is sent to their inbox, they are taken to the Contact record in Mailchimp so further action can be taken”, Mike concluded.

“This value added intelligence helps Sales and Marketing professionals not only close more business with new prospects but helps them in supporting and upselling existing customers as well. Understanding the entire journey of a prospect and/or customer is essential to the purchasing experience”, said Thom Stallings, Chief Revenue Officer at MergedAnalytics LLC.

Setting up this integration is a self-service process done by the end user of Mailchimp and takes less than 5 minutes.
The solution does NOT require or use any third party cookies and is GDPR compliant.

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Contact MergedAnalytics LLC at 203-312-9675 or visit
Try a fully functional version of MergedAnalytics® with no obligation to move forward, promo code MCMA.

About MergedAnalytics – MergedAnalytics helps organizations by identifying the Company names and Email Addresses of the people who click the URL links posted to social media and in the body of emails as well as the website pages clicked.

About Mailchimp – Mailchimp is an all-in-one Marketing Platform for small business. Mailchimp empowers millions of customers around the world to start and grow their businesses with their smart marketing technology, award-winning support, and inspiring content. Founded in 2001 and headquartered in Atlanta with additional offices in Brooklyn, Oakland, and Vancouver, Mailchimp is 100% founder-owned and highly profitable.

Full Press Release here…

MailChimp integrates with MergedAnaytics

Are you using Mailchimp for outreach to your various target audiences ?

If so…you need to contact us.

The integration between MergedAnalytics and Mailchimp will help you close more business.

Mailchimp integration with MergedAnalytics WILL help you close more business

MergedAnalytics – What about EMAIL ADDRESSES?

MergedAnalytics is a tool that delivers sales and marketing Intelligence.

Specifically….we deliver the COMPANY NAMES of the people who click the URLs you post to Social Media Sites as well as in your Emails plus the pages they click through on your website.  

We deliver this intelligence using our own proprietary technology that is based off of the IP addresses of the people clicking through your posted URLs and website pages.

But what about the EMAIL ADDRESSES of the people doing all that clicking.   

Especially right now with the world working from their homes where unless they are using their company’s VPN (Virtual Private Network)….in most cases people do NOT own their home IP Addresses .

First let’s answer the following question…Is it possible to get to the email address level of the people who click your posted URLs as well as your website pages if even though people are working from home?

That answer is YES.  

By using MergedAnalytics Short URLs…. We can uncover email addresses by using Dynamic Parameter values as part of the Short URL creation process.

MORE GOOD NEWS – Even if a person clicks a MergedAnalytics Short URL on their mobile device….we can STILL get you the email addresses of those people.

But wait there’s more…

When that person goes back to your website for another visit(s) in the near future….MergedAnalytics will remember that IP address and send you notifications when that person clicks through you website.

This is achieved by using Dynamic Parameter Values which help marketers capture even more information about the people who click on the links you post.  

Dynamic Parameter Values are set at the time you create your MergedAnalytics Short URL. 

The values for the Parameters are custom and can be anything including…

  • The specific contact’s email address –  this can be done for Mass Mailings from your CRM or ESP software packages as well.
  • Campaign name
  • Name of the social media site where you will you post your link
  • or anything else that will help you gain as much information about the people who are clicking the URLs you post.  

NOTE – If you need to create Google UTMs (urchin tag modules) we got you covered there as well.

You now can create UTMs in the MergedAnalytics Portal upon setting up Short URLS.   This alleviates the need to go into Google to create your UTMs.

In the example below I created a MergedAnalytics Short URL with only ONE Dynamic Parameter Value….my email address…[email protected]

Note….you can set up to 5 custom Parameter Values when creating your SHORT URLs.

Users can enter their own custom Dynamic Parameters like EMAIL ADDRESS when creating MergedAnalytics Short URLs

Here is the Short URL that I created from above…

MergedAnalytics SHORT URL that contains dynamic parameters

I took the MergedAnalytics SHORT URL ….—O-EM  and emailed it to myself.

FROM MY MOBILE PHONE….I opened the email and clicked the Short URL…..again…I did this from my phone. 

Note:  I use ATT for my phone service and I do NOT own my ip address.

Because I clicked a MergedAnalytics Short URL…..I received the notification in my inbox below…

You can clearly see that [email protected] clicked…—O-EM

MergedAnalytics email notification contains the EMAIL ADDRESS of the person who clicked the MergedAnalytics SHORT URL

Lastly….when I go to my website again through my cell phone….I will still receive MergedAnalytics alerts telling me visited my website …why you ask?….

Because MergedAnalytics will remember me for a period of five days from that initial short url click as seen in the screenshot below…

MergedAnalytics remembers the COMPANY even when the SHORT URL was clicked on a cell phone

Remember : This can be done for MASS EMAILS as well using your CRM and/or ESP software packages.

Contact us for a free consultation.