SHORT URLs Should Be a Part of a Larger Story

There are times in life where you believe you can see into the future.  Where you instinctively know what the outcome will be.

However in the world of analytical software…you do not need to be a physic or guess outcomes. Your software tools measure and report results that erase the need for the guessing game.

Unlike measuring how well your marketing strategies are performing…understanding the results in the sales department are easier to measure.  At the end of a month, quarter or year you can measure the opportunities that were won and how profitable they were.

On the contrary…figuring out and measuring the success of your marketing initiatives is a bit grayer at best.

One tool that brings marketers clarity in the fog of war is “MergedAnalytics URLs”.

“MergedAnalytics URLs” are a marketer’s best friend.  They provide a type of feedback that marketers have been craving.  They are simple to create and there is no set up or deployment needed either… Once you sign up …you can Create a MergedAnalyticsShort URL immediately ….

Getting your “message” out and measuring the engagement with your audience with today’s various digital channels whether by social media site postings and/or email campaigns…can now be measured with precision.

By using the “MergedAnalytics” Short URL generator for URLs that you post both to social media and emails…Marketers can shorten, brand and post URLs with “MergedAnalytics” tracking and receive useful data from the companies who click them.  You will know where the link was clicked, the COMPANY NAME of the person who clicked it and more.

Knowing the names of companies who click on a posted URL link and where they found that link should be a part of much larger story.

What did that person who clicked your posted link do after that initial click?  What was their entire journey from that initial click?

  • Where did they go next on your website?
  • Did they start to fill out a form on your site but leave your website before they pressed submit?
  • Did they go to other pages on your website? Which Ones?
  • How long did they stay there?
  • Did they return to you website?

You can certainly know that information but you will need to put the “MergedAnalytics” Pixel on your website.

The MergedAnalytics Pixel ( ) takes  minutes to deploy for your entire website.  You will get information like…

  • The company name of the people who click on your website
  • Which pages were clicked
  • How they found your site
  • How long they stayed on specific website pages
  • How many times that company returned to your website
  • And so much more.

So although the “MergedAnalytics SHORT URLs” report which companies clicked specific posted URL links and where they found them in the first place …by adding the “MergedAnalytics” Pixel to your website will give you the tools to understand the entire journey of that person even if they never identified themselves and remained anonymous.   This type of information from a marketing perspective is the Holy Grail.

I hear from sales people across many industries that cold calling is dead and I somewhat agree with that statement but only if you are from a company that is NOT using MergedAnalytics.

However….If you are using MergedAnalytics ….tell me this…..if you know for certain that people from a specific company clicked your posted URL link and then clicked on other pages on your website and then returned to your website AGAIN and spent more time on your site the following days….Tell me this…..When you contact that company for the first time knowing there is specific interest…is that initial call really that cold?

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