More on MergedAnalytics Short URLs…

 1. Ability to Track Performance

Aside from making URL Links shorter….Most URL shorteners provide analytical data about the people who have clicked those links. The same is true for URL links (which is the URL shortening tool that comes with MergedAnalytics) only we take it a few steps further.  By tracking the success of posted URL links, a business can understand how their audience engages with their company.  The data allows your business to adjust your marketing strategies accordingly.  You can measure things like….Are you getting more clicks on your posted URLs in your email blasts vs LinkedIn postings vs Twitter postings?  The data may surprise you!

2.   SHORT URLs are….Shorter

Actually size DOES matter….with URLs.  When it comes to social media posts especially, saving every possible character is critical. Less is always more when it comes to this stuff.  Additionally …your custom short url can contain information about the article or landing page you want them to visit.  Short URLs can also contain information about your brand.  Here is an example of a short url that contains  information about what you can expect if you decide to click on the url ….  The subject of the article is in the URL link….”what are short urls”.

3.  Shorter URLs Promote Sharing

You want as many people to click on your posted url as possible.  If that was not true…why post it in the first place.

Which URL looks easier/safer to share?


Shorter links make sharing significantly easier, which promotes sharing as a whole. Branded Short URLs increases trust.  Short urls get clicked more than their longer counterparts.

4. Company Names

MergedAnalytics Short URLs provide a layer of analytics that even Google Analytics does not give you.  Aside from being able to tell you where that person clicked that short url link in the first place ie Facebook vs Linkedin….you will also know THE COMPANY NAME of the people clicking your short urls.

5. Higher Click through Rate

Using shortened url links will drastically increase your click through rate. Many of the reasons why were covered above.  In short…they appear more trustworthy.

An unshortened URL sticks out like a sore thumb and some readers might even consider it unprofessional.

Final Thoughts

All URL Links contain valuable data that can and should be leveraged.

Using a “SHORT URL Generator” like the one that comes with Visit Intel will not only increase your click through rate but will provide actionable intelligence that will help your business.

Additionally….If the MergedAnalytics Pixel is placed on your website pages your organization will understand the entire journey from the initial click on a short url to the other pages visited on your website or otherwise known as a sales and marketing person’s nirvana.

Create a short url in minutes at no charge and see for yourself….

3 Reasons Marketing Agencies Are Adopting “MergedAnalytics” for their Customers

“MergedAnalytics” is a URL and Website Visitor Intelligence tool that provides businesses with the knowledge of which companies and in many cases Email Addresses click on their posted Links and website pages. It’s like Caller ID for your posted Links and Website pages.

We did not plan for MergedAnalytics to become a favorite for Marketing Agencies to MergedAnalytics…but that is what is happening. As it turns out…companies are more apt to use tools from the companies they trust and already work with…. in this case their Marketing Agency Partners.

Below are 3 reasons why Marketing Agencies are integrating “MergedAnalytics” into their suite of customer offerings.

Synergy – Many marketers offer a wide range of services from lead generation, SEO, creating content and even website development. The URL and Website Visitor Intelligence that “MergedAnalytics” offers fit perfectly within most Marketing Agency offerings. Unless actual leads and/or sales increase… measuring the effectiveness of how your marketing partner is actually helping your business can be arbitrary and tough to quantify at best.

Marketers like the way “MergedAnalytics” can serve as a score card and verification that their efforts are adding value even if there is no measurable impact to their customer’s bottom line.

How? Unless a person from a company identifies themselves to you in some way by opting in, filling out a form or even signing up for demo…they will remain anonymous resulting in lost opportunity. You will never know there was interest in your company. How would you know they were ever on your website or clicked on a link they found on LinkedIn in the first place? Why “MergedAnalytics” of course.

Marketers create and distribute content through various channels like social media and email campaigns in effort to make your audience aware of your offerings. There is usually some “call to action” to get you to download a white paper, sign up for a demonstration/consultation or gasp…make a purchase.

Even if someone starts filling out a form on your website and then gets distracted and does not finish…”MergedAnalytics” would still generate an automatic notification that would tell you that someone from a specific company visited your website and visited the page where they had to fill out a form. You will know what other pages they clicked through as well. This is incredible information. Maybe that person will be back and finish filling out the form they started. Or… Maybe you start to see a trend where many people visit that page with the sign up form…. but DO NOT finish filling out that form. This gives you the ability to react to this information…perhaps adjust that form and make it more user friendly and simpler to fill out.

SmartLinks: As I mentioned above…marketers are constantly posting URL links on social media and in email campaigns. These URLs could be Press Releases, Landing Pages or any other “Calls to Action”. While Google Analytics will give you the Clicks and Visits information…knowing which specific Companies clicked on your posted URLs and in some cases the actual person… is pure Gold.

By using the “MergedAnalytics” SmartLink generator for all of your posted URLs…you will understand which specific URLs were clicked and even more importantly WHERE they were clicked and…where those people go after that initial URL click.

If you have a specific landing page link and post that same link to Facebook, Twitter , LinkedIn and as part of an email campaign ….by utilizing the “MergedAnalytics” SmartLink generator…you will know where clicks originally came along with the company names of the people doing the clicking.   This gives you the insight to understand where your audience is interacting with your link posts the most. Are you getting more clicks from Twitter vs LinkedIn? Visit Intel will tell you this information plus the Company information.

White Labeling – Although I love and am proud of the name “MergedAnalytics”… Many of our Marketing Partners prefer to Brand “MergedAnalytics” with their own logos, coloring etc. They White Label “MergedAnalytics” so there is no mention of the “MergedAnalytics” brand anywhere. A White Labeled version of “MergedAnalytics” will look like it belongs to the Marketing Agency you are working with but with the exact same functionality available with a normal “MergedAnalytics” install.

There is a very logical reason they prefer their branding over ours.

“Top of Mind Presence

Marketers understand that the “MergedAnalytics” notifications represent a rare opportunity to stay in front of their customers every single day. The emailed alerts give them the elusive “top of mind presence”. This means that their customers will see their logo and branding and will be reminded throughout the day that THEY are the people who are delivering valuable information that is helping grow your business.

As I mentioned above…every time someone from a company clicks on one of your posted Links to social media or in an email campaign and/or clicks on your website…you will receive a “MergedAnalytics” notification via email that looks like the one below…

The Notifications come in with “MergedAnalytics” branding all over it and from a email address domain.

A marketing agency wants their customers to see THEIR branding, their domain and wants their customers to contact them if there are questions.

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