Engagement Alerts

This is a MergedAnalytics Engagement Alert.

These alerts are automatically emailed out to you.

You will notice…

– The person’s email address that visited the website
– How many times the visitor has visited the website
– The visitor’s company logo
– Link to the visitor’s Company Website
– Location of the website visitor
– What pages on the website spent time on
– How the visitor arrived at the website

For sales and marketing people to have this kind of information is a super power. Better support, shorter sales cycles and insight who and how people are engaging with your digital brand is a superpower.

Inflation ready?

Inflation is here.

The rate at which inflation has been rising has diminished but pricing rarely drops back down once it rises.

You do not have to be an economist to know your grocery bill is much higher than it was a few years ago.

That means we need to make more money while keeping expenses under control.

Easier said than done.

We can help.

#mergedanalytics is keeping our pre-inflationary pricing at $59 per month.

Why….because we can.

Visual cues

At times, mere engagement notifications might not suffice.

With #mergedanalytics, you have the capability to configure tailored engagement alerts.

These alerts come with visual cues, providing a detailed insight into specific interactions.

For instance, you can receive an engagement notification marked by visual indicators when certain actions, like clicking on a particular banner ad, take place.

start a full trial with no obligation – https://mergedanalytics.com/trial/

#trackingflags #visualcues #engagementintelligence

Be what you are selling

Shouldn’t the experts you hire be their own expert first?

Don’t we want…

– our physical trainers to be in good shape?
– our financial planners to have their own finances in order
– our website developers to have a great website

Shouldn’t your marketer drive traffic to their own website too?

be what you sell

Thom and I discuss this topic further.

I tell a story about a marketer I was working with who said they were not getting anything out of hashtag#MergedAnalytics.

I looked into their MergedAnalytics portal and discovered exactly why that was the case.

hashtag#bewhatyouareselling hashtag#takeabreath hashtag#mergedanalytics hashtag#mpn

more episodes here….Our Blog – Connecting the dots between Marketing and Sales. (mergedanalytics.com)

Should Business owners have Therapists?

Do all entrepreneurs need a therapist?

Thom and I discuss the manic ups and downs that we experience daily. We know we are not unique. Most Entrepreneurs feel what we are feeling on a day to day basis too!

In fact…it was these types of conversations that prompted Thom and I to start the “Take a Breath Podcast.”

We were having deep conversations daily sometimes multiple times a day until one day I said… ” you know what…others may find value in our conversations….let’s record them”. And so we did.

We did not (and still do not) care if anyone listened.

We rarely have guests.

We just talk to each other about what is going on in both our professional and personal lives..

3 years later our little “Take a Breath” podcast has taken on a life of it’s own.

Our only objective was to document our process…the good and the bad.

We hope you get as much out of it as we do.

Be Yourself always in every situation.

Do you live two separate lives?

Are you a different person professionally then you are personally?

Which one do you like better?

I believe it is a huge energy drain if you are two different people at home and at work. I also believe we should aim to be our authentic selves always and at all costs. Everyone is better off if we are authentic and genuine.

Thom and I discuss this topic further in this clip.

The message is…just be yourself.

#mpn #authenticity #takeabreathPause

MergedAnalytics – what it is and does

A little more real-world color as to what MergedAnalytics is and how it helps businesses capitalize on engagement intelligence.

#mergedanalytics #engagementintelligence #aec #designbuild #b2b #nocookies Thom Stallings try for a full free trial version – https://mergedanalytics.com/trial/

Merge your data points

Gone are the days of scattered data points when it comes to understanding how customers and prospects are interacting with your digital brand.

By seamlessly merging WEBSITE VISITS, EMAIL and SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING results, MergedAnalytics provides a comprehensive view of how your prospects and customers engage with your digital brand.

MergedAnalytics consolidates everything into an easily digestible format, empowering you to take decisive action.

Red Car Theory

Thom talks about the “Red Car” Theory and how it applies to the Engagement Intelligence that tools like MergedAnalytics delivers.

By understanding who is engaging with your website pages , social media posts and email campaign…. you have an awareness that otherwise would not be there. Now it is up to you to do something about it. more posts here….https://mergedanalytics.com/blog-2/