Keeping partners honest with SmartLinks

We work with a Company that resells a well known CRM application.

There is a button that contains a link on their website that when clicked … a way for interested prospects to schedule a demonstration of the CRM app.

That link however takes these interested prospects to the CRM manufacture’s website where they fill out a form and request a demonstration.

My customer is suspicious that the CRM manufacturer is not actually telling them about leads that originate from their website that should in fact be their leads.

What our customer did through our recommendation is the following….they created a MergedAnalytics SmartLink for that Request a Demonstration Button.

Now when prospects click that button for a Demonstration….even though they are taken to the CRM manufacturer’s website….my customer receives intelligence when that button is clicked as well as…which organization had clicked that link.

They can then follow up with the CRM manufacturer to make sure that lead is sent their way.

They now can keep the CRM manufacturer a bit more honest.