Try New Things

Are you failing at something today? As we age our thought patterns are like the tracks you make when you ski down a mountain over an over on that same track .

As much as you try to go off that track…you seem to always return to it because the track is too deep and prominent.

Trying new things is often like fresh powder on the slope. Getting out of your comfort is a real thing and it is healthy. Trying just one new thing can have positive effects on other aspects of your life.

If you are not failing at something…you are probably not trying anything new. Growth comes from being scared but doing it anyway. People fear failure because of overactive egos. You need to quiet your ego. Just remember this saying…

– When I was 20 I cared what my peers thought about me.

– When I was 40 I stopped caring what my peers thought about me.

– When I was 60 I realized they weren’t thinking about me in the first place.

There is beauty in struggle.

The gym I used to go to in NYC used to have a saying …”Think Less, Do More”

Thom and I talk more on this topic… #takeabreath #mpn #mergedanalytics Thom Stallings MergedAnalytics LLC

Hacks for when you are down

Objects at rest stay at rest while objects in motion tend to stay in motion.

What do you do when you are feeling down about your business?

You are sitting at your desk staring at your screen. Now what?

I love the stoic saying “Amor Fati”.

Amor Fati teaches us to accept and embrace the events of our lives, both the good and the bad, without resistance or resentment.

The first thing I is take 10 deep breaths and focus on nothing else but those breaths.

The second thing I do post breath work is to pick up the phone and call a “HAPPY” customer just to check in with them.

That is it. That is your assignment today. Call a happy customer.

Thom and I talk more about this in the following segment…

MergedAnalytics LLCThom Stallings


ActiveCampaign OFFER!!!

The “Take a Breath Podcast” with Joe and Thom which is part of the Marketing Podcast Network has a new sponsor!

A tool that has helped our customers grow their businesses for the past 5 years with Email Marketing, CRM and Marketing Automation.

That tool is……. ActiveCampaign!

Stay tuned for our upcoming “Take a Breath “podcast where we will be speaking with their Director of Engineering.

If there are questions you would like us to ask…please send them over!

Also…for a limited time ActiveCampaign is offering our listeners a chance to double your contacts for FREE when you sign up.

So if your list is 10,000 contacts you only pay for 5000 or you can pay for 1000 contacts and get an extra 1000 totally free.

Go to and claim those free bonus contacts.

Lastly…if you do use ActiveCampaign….contact me to understand how to leverage the MergedAnalytics integration we have with ActiveCampaign.

MergedAnalytics LLC

Charlie Munger

What battle are YOU fighting?

Everyone is fighting something…some people have many things stacked against them….not just one thing.

Health , money, relationships, employment, and countless other things clog our conscious minds and at times a helpless feeling can take over.

Crossing any chasm to reach greatness takes dedication, good health, good habits and of course luck.

One of my passions is investing. My two favorite investors of all time are Jack Bogle founder of Vanguard and Charlie Munger who is Warren Buffet’s partner in Berkshire Hathaway.

Jack Vogle had one of the best sayings when the markets go down (or up) and you are worried about your investments. He said….”don’t just stand there…don’t do anything”. That statement is there so people do not trade on emotions.

Charlie Munger also simplifies investing in a way I have never experienced before him.

Aside from the fact that he is 99 years old and still sharp as a tack…he has had countless major setbacks in his life that would have crippled most of us.

Thom and I discuss a few of these major setbacks he experienced and despite them all….he became one of the most successful investors of all time.


Thom StallingsMergedAnalytics LLC

AEC Intent Intelligence

Why are AEC firms gravitating towards tools like MergedAnalytics?

Simple…when you understand your audiences’ intentions before any contact has been made with them…good things happen…..for everyone.

You proactively engage with your prospect understanding their needs earlier in the process. This saves time and money for everyone involved on both sides.

Early Engagement + Earlier Bids = More Wins than ever before.

Thom and I discuss this further in this segment.

Thom StallingsMergedAnalytics LLC


Is the intent intelligence derived from humans or bots?

Is the intent data you are using to make sales and marketing decisions derived from humans or bots?

How do you know?

#mergedanalytics by default filters out non human engagement.

This will ensure you are not wasting your time and resources with non human analytics.

Life is too short wasting time trying to make sense of bogus data.

Thom and I discuss this more in the following segment.

Thom StallingsMergedAnalytics LLC



Who is engaging the most this week with your digital brand?

MergedAnalytics has a new feature called….”Most Engaged” .

Most Engaged includes….clicks from social media, email campaigns and website visits….all condensed so you can take the proper action.

MergedAnalytics let’s you know who is engaging with your digital band

Our A/E/C customers use this feature in their MergedAnalytics portal to quickly understand who they should be reaching out to so they can help their prospects through their due diligence.

With this intelligence our A/E/C users are not only making earlier contact with prospects but they are also able to bid on projects earlier in the sale process often before the competition is even aware an opportunity exists.

In the A/E/C world…..Early Bids = More Wins


Memento Mori

Memento Mori…. means….Remember we can die at any moment.

Death can be a great motivator.

One of my favorite speeches was the commencement speak at Stanford University given by Steve Jobs when he was very close to his own death.

He speaks candidly about his own mortality and how he uses it for motivation in a way I had never considered before watching that speech.

I recommend watching it whenever you need motivation.

Remembering you will die will also help you do and say the right things as well….like….making sure you go to your kids game, asking that person out on a date, saying “I love you”, calling your Mother, going for the big job you think you are not qualified to get etc.

We act as if we will live forever . “I will relax after this is over” is what we tell ourselves or all will be good once I get that promotion.

How many times do we hear people dropping dead after they have received exactly what they always wanted.

The journey truly is the gift not the outcome. Have a nice day.

Thom StallingsMergedAnalytics LLC


Use what you sell

Are you a user of what you are selling?

I believe it is important to be a successful user and believer of whatever it is you are selling.

We have been focusing on A/E/C firms with our marketing efforts.

A/E/C firms leverage MergedAnalytics to learn about opportunities before their competition.

Our marketing efforts are working. How do I know?

I keep receiving alerts from my own instance of MergedAnalytics detailing A/E/C firms interest in MergedAnalytics.

The image below is an example of a Commercial Construction firm in Chicago who was engaging with our website for about 1 hour.

They have obvious interest in MergedAnalytics.

Since I have no connections at this company as of yet….my next action is to click the Linkedin and Google Data bridges and find the right person/people within that firm to discuss how MergedAnalytics can help them win more business!


Lead with MergedAnalytics

Ok B2B Marketing Agencies….this is how you should leverage MergedAnalytics….

  1. Place the MergedAnalytics pixel on your customer’s website …..and wait two weeks
  2. After two weeks… if there is not much actionable intelligence….this is your time to shine!!!! Drive traffic to your customer’s website through SEO, Lead Generation, Social Media etc.
  3. If there is a lot of intelligence….this is a good thing! Analyze the data for your customers and make it simple and actionable. ie…deliver a report that you can generate from MergedAnalytics that highlights the companies and email addresses that interacted with your digital brand the most within the last week or month.
  4. Pricing – at $59 per month….MergedAnalytics should NOT be an extra line item that you charge your customers.

Bake the price into whatever it is you are billing your customer.

You should be saying things like…”when you work with us…these analytics are included! That’s it. Simple and powerful.

Our Marketing Agency customers who follow this model are having success with MergedAnalytics.