What’s all the fuss about SHORT URLs?

Do you ever think twice before clicking long URL links with too many weird looking parameters?

Have you ever wanted to share a 30-character URL but could not remember the URL address?

Have you ever wanted to brand your URLs in such a way before you post them to social media that would make people more apt to click them?

How about…have you ever wanted to know the Company Names of the people who click on those URLs you post to social media or emails?

Some URL shorteners simply turn long links into shorter URLs and that is it… while others let you customize/brand the text of the new URLs created with a Short URL generator to track clicks and inform you about who’s clicking your links.

Why should you use Short URLs at all?

#1 Clean and short links appear more trustworthy and get clicked more often than longer links.

Let’s be honest, which of these links would you feel more comfortable clicking?  Keep in mind they will both take you to the same destination…




The second URL is obviously cleaner, at first glance seems trustworthy and provides a concise description of what you can expect if you click it. People tend to prefer clicking on visually appealing links, especially when the links are Customized and/or Branded. AND…Because it is a “MergedAnalytics” SHORT URL…you will know the COMPANY Name as well as other valuable data about the clicker.

#2 Customize your Short URLs

Short URLs do not have to look “spammy”, with random combinations of numbers and letters. By adding branding and/or information about they can expect when they click the URL…will ensure more clicks.

#3 Go beyond number of clicks

Tracking clicks is one thing, but measuring the quality of the traffic coming to your website is another. AND…add in the information that you will receive with the MergedAnalytics Short URLs like…the COMPANY NAMES of the people who clicked your URL links, where they found your website or posted URLs and what their specific interests were.

#4 Understand the complete journey of the people who click your URLs

MergedAnalytics has two main components…

  1. Short URLs
  2. Website Visitor Intelligence

Assuming you have the MergedAnalytics website visitor intelligence pixel on your site….By utilizing the SHORT URLs…you are able to see the entire journey of the people who are interested in your company.  You can see the initial click on a Short URL you posted to LinkedIn for example and then have insight as to where that person went on your website after that initial click. This creates an understanding of not only the behavior of your prospects but what their specific interests are in your company.

For more on MergedAnalyticsShort URLs visit… https://mergedanalytics.com/vzit-co/     

Create SHORT URLs RIGHT NOW?  Click here… https://mergedanalytics.com/how-to-create-a-visit-intel-short-ur/