Chambers of Commerce and Other Business Associations

We have been working with multiple business associations like Chambers of Commerce.

The intelligence we deliver is helping these organizations with their membership drives by making it easy for them to understand which exact companies have interest in joining their Chambers.

We also deliver intelligence as to what events their chamber member companies are interested in like….Golf Outings, Trade Shows, Lunch and Learns etc.

This intelligence delivered by MergedAnalytics is making their communication efforts exponentially more efficient and effective.

Turn a monthly expense into a Revenue Stream

Since November of last year we have been in the process of courting a highly respected Digital Marketing firm to use MergedAnalytics on their company website.

They were already using our biggest competitor but they agreed to try MergedAnalytics so they could compare accuracy of the data we deliver vs. our competitors.

Long story short….that firm not only has adopted MergedAnalytics for their own purposes…they have signed on to resell a White Labeled version of MergedAnalytics for their customers.

How did we win you ask?

We won for three reasons….

– Our Pricing options

– Our Custom Branded Short URL tool

– A new Revenue Stream was created for their company instead of a monthly expense


Do you A/B Test ?

Do you A/B test your marketing campaigns? You should and MergedAnalytics makes it easy for you to do so.

A/B testing is the process of comparing two or more versions of a web page, email, or any other marketing asset with just one varying element.

In the above example….Our customer wanted to see where she would get the most clicks from ONE specific landing page for a promotion she was running for the month of February.

She created 5 Short URLs in MergedAnalytics. All 5 Short URLs in the image above will take the people who click them to that exact landing page.

The varying element are the 5 different places she will post those URLs.

Those 5 SHORT URLs will be posted to…FB, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin and in an Email campaign.

The click data from those 5 different mediums where she posted the SHORT URLs will MERGE into one location so ANALYTICS can be measured.

COMPANY NAMES and in some cases EMAIL ADDRESSES will be identified as to who did the clicking and she will know where those clicks originated from….Plus….she will see which OTHER pages on her site were clicked after that initial click.

Listen…The big companies ALL have expensive tools that do this type of stuff…luckily MergedAnalytics is leveling the playing field for the rest of us.

Looking Back. Looking Ahead. Enjoying the Moment

I know…The title is a bit misleading since neither the past nor the future exists. All we have is now…right?

As we close out one decade and begin another…some reflection seems to be in order.

2019 was been a banner year for MergedAnalytics. We hit our stride.

Our success was generated by three main things…

–         Name change

–         Partner growth

–         Disruption

Name Change–  Simply put…we out grew our name which was Visit Intel at the start of 2019. We felt the word “Visit” in our name…gave off the impression we were only about website visits.  Although that is a main feature of MergedAnalytics….We are much more than just website visits!

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Our short urls ( ) give our users the ability to understand the entire journey first initial click to final destination…of the people clicking the URLs added to their social media posts as well as the urls in emails they send out to their audience.

With the marketing intelligence we deliver from various sources like social media posts, emails and website visits …our software MERGES those ANALYTICS in one easy to use location so the proper analysis can be performed.

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So after much deliberation…MergedAnalytics became our name!!! For more on why we changed our name click here…HERE

Partner Growth – In 2019 as an organization we began to hit our stride mainly because of our partners who distribute MergedAnalytics.

Through our partners…we are experiencing exponential growth.

An obstacle for any David when you are in a world of many Goliaths is getting your message out to the your target audience and scaling up.

It is much more effective to have many others trying to get the word out in addition to your own efforts.

What we have done is formed relationships with Marketing and Web development companies to have them “White Label” MergedAnalytics and integrate our product into their suite of offerings.

Our partners offer our tools to their customers who already know and trust them.

We allow our partners to completely scrub our branding and contact information so they can replace it with theirs. Along with providing a great tool for their customers…as the MergedAnalytics Alerts are delivered to their customer’s inboxes…their customers are reminded throughout the day that it is their Marketing or Web Development service delivering this valuable intelligence.

The emailed alerts gives our partners the elusive….”top of mind presence” with their customers.

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 For more on why Marketing Agencies love “White Labeling” MergedAnalytics click HERE.

Disruption – No doubt about it…MergedAnalytics has disrupted a section of the digital marketing industry that was taking advantage of large company’s fat marketing budgets while paying zero attention to their smaller counterparts.

MergedAnalytics is destroying that barrier for the small companies…. by leveling the playing field.

Make no mistake…ALL large companies are currently leveraging tools that provide some sort of Website Visitor Intelligence. Most are doing it with cookies which are little software tools used to track your intent behavior online. They spend millions on this technology annually.

MergedAnalytics does NOT USE COOKIES.  We have a proprietary application that will tell you the COMPANY NAMES and in some cases EMAIL ADDRESSES of the people clicking on the URLS you post to social media sites and in your emails as well as the pages clicked on your website.

At $59 per month…we are giving small and medium sized companies the tools that only the large companies could afford in the past. And…it takes 5 minutes to set up.

We have and continue to make value-add additions like….

–        Adding in Interest index reports – Lets you apply a score of the Companies that were clicking on your URLs and Website pages the most in a given time period.

–         Adding Google UTMs- create Google UTMS in the MergedAnalytics Portal

–        Adding Integration with CRMs and ESPs

–         Adding the Private Block List – block companies and IP Addresses that are not important to your business

–         Allowing users to Create Custom Trackable Short URLs for Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook and Emails at ONE TIME

–        Improving User Interface from both an End User and Admin perspective.

What’s Next – Being in the moment is important in living a meaningful life which is why I meditate daily. 

In the business world however, constant forward thinking is essential. 

Our number 1 mission is to continue to improve the value we deliver to our customers and partners at a reasonable cost while fostering a nurturing/creative/fun environment internally within our own organization’s culture. 

I am grateful to all of our Partners and Customers for giving us the opportunity to work together and recognize mutually beneficial successes in 2020 and beyond.

I am grateful to the other 3 Founding Partners of MergedAnalytics.  It is very rare that 4 people get together with years of synergistic experience and work together to create something meaningful and beneficial to all who use it.

Most of all I am grateful to my family who provide all the loving motivation anyone could ever need to want to keep pushing to succeed while enjoying the entire journey.

Wishing you all a Healthy, Happy, Safe, Creative and Prosperous New Year,

Joe Singer and The MergedAnalytics Team.

Don’t Shoot the Messenger

“Nice product but MergedAnalytics is not for us. We are not getting any meaningful intelligence containing the COMPANY NAMES of the people clicking through our website” said a customer who has been using MergedAnalytics for a few months.

Before I address that statement …. let’s review what MergedAnalytics is and does.

MergedAnalytics is a digital marketing tool for B2B companies which delivers notifications that get emailed automatically when someone from a company click on the URLs you post to social media and in your emails as well as the pages on your website that they click through.

These emailed notifications contain the  Company Names of the people who click on your website pages and posted URLs. The delivered intelligence also includes how they found your website and what their specific interests were while there, how many times they returned, how long they were, which campaign drove them to your website and much more.

The ways your website visitors find your website depend on many variables. These variables are mostly determined by the various marketing strategies, techniques and initiatives that are in place at your company. These marketing strategies are designed to drive your target audience to your website in hopes to sell them something.

People find your website by….

  • Typing in keywords in a search from Google , Bing etc
  • Sent Emails containing URLs either in the body of the email and/or signature block
  • Typing in your website address organically
  • Social media postings and TargetedAds that drive traffic to your site
  • Press Releases and other Articles/Blogs/Landing Pages
  • The Digital Advertising strategies you have in place, Google Adword Campaigns ,other Ads etc.

Countless money and time is spent on marketing strategies to drive people to websites.

Once those strategies are put into action….MergedAnalytics simply delivers the intelligence on ALL visitors who click on those URLs and website pages you are driving traffic to.

But…MergedAnalytics is NOT a tool that drives ANY traffic…rather we report on success (or failure) of your various marketing strategies. It is a tool that should be a barometer as to how your marketing and advertising initiatives are working…..or failing.

So by saying MergedAnalytics is not helpful because of the lack of actionable intelligence …..  that means MergedAnalytics is actually giving extremely actionable and useful information.

MergedAnalytics is telling you that your marketing strategies need to be modified in order to get your desired results.

It becomes a “shoot the messenger” situation. If you are not getting the desired results based on the intelligence MergedAnalytics delivers…be grateful for this information and do something about it. When the proper tweaks are made….the actionable intelligence will be there!!!

MergedAnalytics should not be blamed for poor traffic results NOR should we be congratulated when the traffic is up and the actionable intelligence containing the COMPANY NAMES (and in some cases email addresses) start to roll in!

Why We Changed Our Name and What is the Significance of the Three Dots in our Logo

One of my favorite songs is “Man in Black” by Johnny Cash.  In that song…Cash answers the question he was asked most of all….”why do you wear black all the time? “ So he wrote his answer into one of his most iconic songs.

So ….Why did we change our name from Visit Intel….to MergedAnalytics?  And while we are at it….what is the significance of those three dots in our logo!!!

Glad you asked. 

First the name change…

Visit Intel was a great name for what our product was when we started our company.

We were focused solely on reporting the COMPANY NAMES of the people who click on your website pages.  That information is priceless.  We still provide that intelligence via our proprietary IP Address technology but we have also gone through a natural evolution. 

Visit Intel evolved into something more than just website visits.

We added the ability for our users to create Custom Trackable SHORT URLs.  These short urls made our product very powerful and separated us from our peers. 

Many of our customers believe the Short URLs are the key to the entire platform. I would agree!

Now when someone wants to post a link either to social media or in their emails…when those links are clicked….our users know the COMPANY NAMES of the people who CLICKED them and WHERE they clicked that link.  The addition of SHORT URLs was the deciding factor for the name change in terms of making our platform more powerful and more useful to a larger audience.  

A “CLICK” on a link is not always a “VISIT”.  There are times when our users post links that have no relation to their website.  An example could be a posted link of an article or a press release. 

So…we felt that the name “Visit Intel” narrowly implies….”VISITS “to a website but NOT “CLICKS” on a posted URL.

We wrestled with many names before we settled on MERGEDANALYTICS.  Some names were descriptive of what do and some had no meaning at all.

We finally decided on one name.   Say goodbye to “Visit Intel”….Long Live “MergedAnalytics LLC”.

How MergedAnalytics Connects the Dots?

Connecting the DOTS

People ask us all the time…what is the significance of the three DOTS.

Each of the 3 dots represent the three main sources of data that our users use to analyze and gain a clear picture as to how people from Companies interact with their brand online.

Each one of those dots represent intelligence that when merged together allows for analysis to be performed helping you understand how people are interacted with your digital brand .

Dot 1 represents the website visitor intelligence delivered when someone from a company visits your website. 

We tell you…

  • The COMPANY NAME(s) of the person who clicked through your website
  • How they found your site
  • The pages they visited
  • How many times they returned
  • And more

Dot 2 represents the intelligence delivered regarding the people who clicked on Custom Trackable SHORT URLs you posted separated by Campaign to various social media sites.

Let’s imagine you want to drive people to a specific landing page.  Could be anything….an article, Press Release, a page on your website etc.

You would create a SHORT URL for that landing page for each social media site where you think your audience engages with your digital brand.  

You create Short URLs for that landing page for each social media site where you plan to post it.  Ie. LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram .   When people click that SHORT URL….the intelligence that is delivered will allow you to analyze not only the COMPANY NAMES of the people who clicked it but ….you will understand which social media sites those clicks came from. 

You will understand if LinkedIn is a better place for your marketing efforts vs. Instagram or Twitter as an example.

Dot 3 is related to Dot 2 except we are focusing on posting SHORT URLs to the emails you send out.  You could place a Short URL in the body of an email and/or in your signature block.  When the people you are emailing click on your SHORT URLs in your emails…you will understand from which email (and/or campaign) that click came from. 

Integration with ESPs( email service providers) and CRMs (Contact Relationship Management )  can be set up as well to get down to the actual CONTACT information of the person who clicked that SHORT URL in your emails.

The value comes from MERGING ALL of those dots (data points) together so ANALYSIS can be performed.   Meaning….a person clicks a link from either an email or a social media post and then from there….click through pages on your website.

Connecting the DOTS

MergedAnalytics captures that entire journey from that initial click.

So those three DOTS are the foundation of our company.

MergedAnalytics connects the DOTs and creates the elusive bridge between your marketing efforts and your sales team!

While we are at it….the YOGA WOMAN on our website represents the Zen feeling our sales and marketing users experience when they use MergedAnalytics!!!

10 Reasons You Do Not Need MergedAnalytics

B2B Businesses large and small are using various Digital Marketing tools to understand the behaviors of the people at companies interacting with their brand online.  The online interaction between a person from a company with your company could originate from various places including…

  • Visiting your website following a live conversation
  • Clicking links posted on Social media
  • Clicking links posted in emails
  • Online keyword searches
  • Clicking on online ads

The interaction does not always end with just one click.  People will often click through multiple pages on your website and of course….return to your website various times after that initial visit.  98 percent of all website visitors click through websites anonymously never letting you know they were ever there.

MergedAnalytics delivers the COMPANY NAMES of the people who click on your posted links to social media and/or in your emails as well as the website pages clicked on your website. We then MERGE this information into one location for analysis so that you can understand the entire journey of the people at companies interested in your company.  You can also understand what their specific interests were while on your site.

For many companies, the information we provide is a game changer….however we recognize this tool may not be useful for all B2B companies.

Below are 10 reasons why a B2B company would NOT want to use MergedAnalytics….

  1.  Your business does not need new leads – If your business produces too many leads and you do not need anymore…Please stop reading now and take the rest of the day off.  The intelligence MergedAnalytics delivers is another resource you may have never had before that helps you not only understand the specific needs and interests of the people interacting with your company….but also the Company Names of those people clicking on your website and posted links. If your business does NOT need new leads….take the rest of the week off and your company does NOT need MergedAnalytics.
  2. Your business does not care if your existing customers are on your website – Do I really have to tell you that your existing customers are your best prospects?   By knowing the behavior of your existing customers who are clicking through your website pages will not only allow for you to provide better support but you will also put yourself in a better position to up-sell them as well. If you do not want to support and up-sell your existing customers… MergedAnalytics is not for you.
  3. Your business does not care to understand if the person you met at a networking event took the time to check out your website after you met them – You are at a networking event and had a great conversation with someone you met there.  You exchange cards and walk away from each other.  You are feeling good because that person seemed very interested in what your company has to offer.  You think you found a new prospect.  Wouldn’t it be nice to see if that person visited your website after that interaction? If not… MergedAnalytics is not for you.
  4. Your business does not have a social media presence – Understanding the entire journey of the people who interact with your brand from initial point of contact on to their final destination is no longer a nice to have.  Is your audience interacting with your company on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter?  By using Visit Intel Short URLs for the links you post to social media that is exactly the intelligence you will have.  You can also shrink and customize links you post to increase the chances of them getting clicked and shared.  If you have no social media presence…MergedAnalytics is not for you. Learn more about MergedAnalytics Short URLs
  5. Your business does not care if the company you are in the process of  closing a deal with is on your website looking at specific information that could help you close that deal – You present to a prospect and send them a proposal.  Then….silence.   Nothing. No communication for days.  You have no idea what their thoughts or concerns are about moving forward.  BUT…since you have MergedAnalytics, you start receiving MergedAnalytics Alerts via email showing you that the company is in fact still interested.  You can tell from the reports that they are focused on a specific service you provide on a specific page on your website.  This information allows you to proactively check in with them via email and send along reinforcing information about the topic they were spending time while on your website.   The intelligence delivered by MergedAnalytics will put you in a better position to win deals and shorten your sales cycle.  If understanding prospects concerns that could ultimately help you close a deal is not important….MergedAnalytics is not for you.
  6. Your business does not want to use tools that the big companies use to win more business – The big companies are ALL using tools that identify the Companies interacting with their brands and spend millions of dollars annually doing so.  MergedAnalytics levels the playing field for the smaller company that does not have the type of budgets like their bigger counterparts.  That is why MergedAnalytics is so compelling….for a small monthly fee of $59 paid annually , you are getting the same intelligence (in some cases better) than the big companies. If using tools that they big companies use is not important…MergedAnalytics is not for you.
  7. Your business does not care about the content being viewed on your website – Are you making sure the content your audience is reading on your website is still relevant?  By understanding where your audience is spending time on your website you will make sure the content they are reading is still relevant and up to date.  There may be pages on your website your audience is clicking on that may not have been updated or should be taken down altogether. If having a tool that will remind you to update or even remove information from you website is not important…MergedAnalytics is not for you.
  8. Your business does not care if your marketing and advertising dollars are being spent wisely – You may think the money spent on specific advertising and marketing campaigns are producing results as you  predicted they would.  MergedAnalytics reports what is actually going on….not what you think or want to happen.  We tell you where your traffic is coming from and how they got there.  You may think your ads on LinkedIn will drive the most social media traffic but Visit Intel may tell you it is Twitter or your Email campaigns producing the best results.  Understanding the effectiveness and success of your ad campaigns is just good money management. If you do not care to really understand where your money is best spent in terms of your ad and marketing strategies then MergedAnalytics is not for you.
  9. You believe Google Analytics (GA) gives you ALL the intelligence you need – GA does NOT give you the COMPANY NAMES of the people who click on your website.  GA also does NOT filter out the bots, crawlers and server clicks which jack up the total numbers of clicks you think you are getting.  What good is only having the number of clicks without knowing which COMPANY NAMES are doing the clicking….MergedAnalytics DOES filter out clicks from bots, crawlers and servers and we provide the COMPANY NAMES of the people doing the clicking.  If not knowing the COMPANY NAMES of the people who clicked through your website and if unfiltered click counts are not important to you…then you do not need MergedAnalytics.
  10. Your business does not want to bid on projects earlier than they normally would – If a company has a need and is doing their due diligence by clicking through your website…MergedAnalytics provides you with the ability to contact that company earlier than you normal would.   This early contact gives you an advantage over your competition.  This early information MergedAnalytics provides will also speed up your sales cycle and the cost of  that sale.  If bidding on projects earlier than normal is not important….MergedAnalytics is not for you.