MergedAnalytics – What about EMAIL ADDRESSES?

MergedAnalytics is a tool that delivers sales and marketing Intelligence.

Specifically….we deliver the COMPANY NAMES of the people who click the URLs you post to Social Media Sites as well as in your Emails plus the pages they click through on your website.  

We deliver this intelligence using our own proprietary technology that is based off of the IP addresses of the people clicking through your posted URLs and website pages.

But what about the EMAIL ADDRESSES of the people doing all that clicking.   

Especially right now with the world working from their homes where unless they are using their company’s VPN (Virtual Private Network)….in most cases people do NOT own their home IP Addresses .

First let’s answer the following question…Is it possible to get to the email address level of the people who click your posted URLs as well as your website pages if even though people are working from home?

That answer is YES.  

By using MergedAnalytics Short URLs…. We can uncover email addresses by using Dynamic Parameter values as part of the Short URL creation process.

MORE GOOD NEWS – Even if a person clicks a MergedAnalytics Short URL on their mobile device….we can STILL get you the email addresses of those people.

But wait there’s more…

When that person goes back to your website for another visit(s) in the near future….MergedAnalytics will remember that IP address and send you notifications when that person clicks through you website.

This is achieved by using Dynamic Parameter Values which help marketers capture even more information about the people who click on the links you post.  

Dynamic Parameter Values are set at the time you create your MergedAnalytics Short URL. 

The values for the Parameters are custom and can be anything including…

  • The specific contact’s email address –  this can be done for Mass Mailings from your CRM or ESP software packages as well.
  • Campaign name
  • Name of the social media site where you will you post your link
  • or anything else that will help you gain as much information about the people who are clicking the URLs you post.  

NOTE – If you need to create Google UTMs (urchin tag modules) we got you covered there as well.

You now can create UTMs in the MergedAnalytics Portal upon setting up Short URLS.   This alleviates the need to go into Google to create your UTMs.

In the example below I created a MergedAnalytics Short URL with only ONE Dynamic Parameter Value….my email address…[email protected]

Note….you can set up to 5 custom Parameter Values when creating your SHORT URLs.

Users can enter their own custom Dynamic Parameters like EMAIL ADDRESS when creating MergedAnalytics Short URLs

Here is the Short URL that I created from above…

MergedAnalytics SHORT URL that contains dynamic parameters

I took the MergedAnalytics SHORT URL ….—O-EM  and emailed it to myself.

FROM MY MOBILE PHONE….I opened the email and clicked the Short URL…..again…I did this from my phone. 

Note:  I use ATT for my phone service and I do NOT own my ip address.

Because I clicked a MergedAnalytics Short URL…..I received the notification in my inbox below…

You can clearly see that [email protected] clicked…—O-EM

MergedAnalytics email notification contains the EMAIL ADDRESS of the person who clicked the MergedAnalytics SHORT URL

Lastly….when I go to my website again through my cell phone….I will still receive MergedAnalytics alerts telling me visited my website …why you ask?….

Because MergedAnalytics will remember me for a period of five days from that initial short url click as seen in the screenshot below…

MergedAnalytics remembers the COMPANY even when the SHORT URL was clicked on a cell phone

Remember : This can be done for MASS EMAILS as well using your CRM and/or ESP software packages.

Contact us for a free consultation.

So you need to conduct screen share webmeetings


So you need to conduct web meetings using something like Zoom or Gotomeeting.   

I have been relying on using this type of screensharing technology for 20 years to run my business.

We use webmeetings for almost everything from sales presentations, training session to our internal management meetings. Everyone in my company works virtually so webmeeting software is essential to our existance.

I can honestly say I have made every mistake you can possibly make throughout the last 20 years with webmeetings.

Here are some things to consider before conducting a screensharing webmeeting…

Dial in early – There will be always issues with your PC that you cannot plan for that happen often.   Recommend all attendees dial in a minimum of 10 minutes earlier preferably 15 minutes.

Reboot your PC– For optimal performance it is best to reboot your PC before an important webmeeting. If things are slow on your PC….your audience could think it is your software slowing up the PC….do not let this happen.

Prepare your presentation materials ahead ….have your Powerpoint, Word, Excel, files, software tool and/or Website…. whatever it is you will be presenting…have it launched ahead of time.   You do not want to launch a large file while you are in a webmeeting.  The 10 seconds it takes to open may not seem long….but when you have 20 eyeballs staring at your screen…even 10 seconds can feel like an eternity.

Resist moving your mouse all over the screen – when you are nervous we tend to do things subconsciously.   Moving your mouse and/or clicking a lot during a presentation can be distracting for your audience.

Software Demos – If you are demonstrating how software works….test the features ahead of time as well.  Make sure what you want to present works as expected.

Talking over people – Be mindful of talking over people –  Especially when there are many on a speaker phone and depending on what kind of phone is being used….it is very easy to innocently talk over people.   Learn to talk slower, take small pauses to make sure someone is not trying to say something.

Have a plan and stick to it – If someone has a question…if you can not answer immediately without diverting from your plan …table it for later or a subsequent conversation.   

Record you session –  If possible it is a best practice to record your session .  It is nice to be able to send the recorded session to the attendees of your meeting.   You can point out specific times to listen etc. It is also useful in case it was a requirement gathering session.

BONUS – OIL YOUR CHAIR – you do not want everyone to hear your squeaky chair every time you adjust your seat.

Go forth and prosper.

Our Yoga Theme Explained

MergedAnalytics brings ZEN to your sales and marketing efforts

There is a good reason why there is a yoga theme throughout the MergedAnalytics website.

We know that even in the best of times…business life is stressful.

The actionable intelligence we deliver contains the COMPANY NAMES and in some cases EMAIL ADDRESSES of the people clicking on the links you post to social media sites and in your emails as well as the pages they click on your website.

These real, quality, actionable B2B leads are automatically emailed to your inbox for action.

We believe that the intelligence we deliver is bringing a bit of Zen to your Sales and Marketing efforts.

Takes 3-5 minutes to set up –


Tips for working from home

MergedAnalytics encourage our employees to telecommute from home

I have worked from home for the last 20 years.

Both of my companies never had offices. Everyone who works for/with me does so remotely. Here are some tips for working from home…


1. Go to bed early

2. Get up early as if you needed to commute.

3. Get dressed….every day!

4. Make your bed….every day!

5. Create a space to work that feels like an office

6. Eat breakfast

7. Eat lunch

8. Take walks outside no matter what the weather is like

9. Pretend you are at your real office

10. Make time to have physical interactions with people

11. Do not allow distractions like….house chores etc. You are at work!!

12. Create routines and stick to them

13. Leave work at the end of the day….STOP working at normal time.


1. Treat working from home as a vacation or day off

2. Allow yourself to get distracted with house stuff..chores etc.

3. Eat more

4. Exercise less

5. Work more hours

You can feel guilt working from home. This can cause overworking. Because you do not need to commute…you may feel you need to work longer hours to justify working from home. This is nonsense.

Be mindful of overworking.

Use excess time to catch up on your life….not work.

MergedAnalytics for when you work from home

MergedAnalytics intelligence will make your work from home experience even better

Whether forced or by choice… more people than ever will be telecommuting and working from home. In person meetings, lunches, conferences, trade shows will continue to decrease until the dust settles….but business will continue.

With the absence of the “face to face” meeting…content creation and distribution of videos, podcasts, blogs etc will become even more prominent. More eyeballs on your posted videos, articles, website pages etc….presents opportunity if you are prepared.

Buying excess amounts of Toilet Paper will not help you with understanding the COMPANY NAMES and in some cases EMAIL ADDRESSES of the people clicking on the links you post to social media sites and in your emails as well as the website pages they clicked .

MergedAnalytics however was made for this type of environment!

Set up takes literally 3-5 minutes. Get started….

The only Cookies we like are the kind you eat!

MergedAnalytics does NOT use Third Party Cookies

Third Party Cookies are going away.

Cookies are little software programs that follow users around the internet collecting data so marketers can target ads with precision. They know what you want to buy sometimes before you do.

Cookies Work.

If I search for sneakers….I may then see ads not only for sneakers but for workout gear and other sporting equipment.

Many large organizations who rely on collecting data from tracking cookies are scrambling. They are experiencing or will be soon ….an existential crisis.

Programs like the E.U’s GDPR are already gaining steam in Canada as well as here in the U.S.

Google has already announced they will not support 3rd party cookies in Chrome .

The main issue here is privacy.

MergedAnalytics does NOT use and never has used Tracking Cookies and the intelligence we deliver is GDPR Compliant.

Luck – Where Preparation and Opportunity Intersect

MergedAnalytics can bring you luck

Luck is where Opportunity and Preparation intersect. Is it luck when you receive an automated MergedAnalytics Alert via email that results in won business?

Preparation 1. – Your company had the brilliant foresight to put the MergedAnalytics pixel on your website.

Preparation 2 – Your marketing team drove your target audience traffic to your website.

Opportunity – MergedAnalytics uncovered the COMPANY NAME or maybe even the EMAIL ADDRESS of the person who clicked through your website.

Luck 1. – You receive a MergedAnalytics alert via email telling you the Company Name, how they found your website and which pages they spent time on and more.

Luck 2. – You proactively make contact with that company and win business.

The Journey is the gift

MergedAnalytics Custom Trackable Short URLs show the entire journey from initial click to your other website pages

The Journey is the gift.

By utilizing MergedAnalytics Trackable Custom Short URLs you achieve the following…

– You understand where your audience is interacting most with your online brand. ie. Does your audience mostly click on the links you post to LinkedIn or FB . By knowing that answer…you will be able to modify your efforts (marketing dollars) accordingly.

– You understand the full Journey of the people who landed on and then click through your website. You will see if a URL you posted on Linkedin… was the starting point for the people who eventually landed on and clicked through your website

– You can shorten, brand, and then uncover the COMPANY NAMES and in some cases EMAIL Addresses of the people who click the links you post to social media sites as well as in the body of your emails.

Getting the most out of the Links you post to Social Media Platforms and in your Emails.

Do you know exactly where your site traffic comes from? 

Do you know the exact Company or Person who clicks on the URLs you post? 

Do you know which of your campaigns is driving the most traffic?

You can collect all of this intelligence and more by utilizing MergedAnalytics Custom Trackable Short URLs for when you need to post Links to Social Media and/or in your Emails as part of your Marketing Campaigns.

Upon creating MergedAnalytics Short URLs….you can add special Dynamic Parameters to your URLs; to get a deeper understanding of the people who click those links.

This extra information will tell you more information about who clicked your link, where they clicked your link and what pages they clicked on your website after that initial click.

And…instead of posting a long URL that is packed with the parameters you added making the URL look like something no one would want to click on or share… you can condense and custom brand those URLs in MergedAnalytics. Shorter cleaner URLs get clicked and shared more than their longer counterparts.

Below…I created a link I want to post to my Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram audiences.   I selected the Dynamic option radio button.

Because I added my own parameters….Now when someone clicks this link….I will know that the link they clicked was for the social media blitz and was part of the campaign called “product launch in 2020”. I will also know which social media site the clicks came from. This will allow me to measure which social media is driving the most traffic.

And…because these are MergedAnalytics Short URLs……I will be notified about the Company Names of the people who clicked these links.

Chambers of Commerce and Other Business Associations

We have been working with multiple business associations like Chambers of Commerce.

The intelligence we deliver is helping these organizations with their membership drives by making it easy for them to understand which exact companies have interest in joining their Chambers.

We also deliver intelligence as to what events their chamber member companies are interested in like….Golf Outings, Trade Shows, Lunch and Learns etc.

This intelligence delivered by MergedAnalytics is making their communication efforts exponentially more efficient and effective.