New use case for MergedAnalytics – Poaching Prevention

Are you nervous your key employees could be poached?

An Engineering/Design firm that is a customer of ours called to tell us how grateful they are for using MergedAnalytics and how it has made an immediate impact for their organization.

The reason….recently some key members of their top talent have left their organization….poached away by their competitors.

MergedAnalytics can help you figure out what content to display on your website.

After putting our pixel on their website….they have uncovered many of their competitors spending time on the “MEET the TEAM” page learning not only the names of their targets but also information as to what they are working on etc.

As a result our customer has amended those pages on their site so their competition will not have as easy of a time figuring out who they would like to poach.

This is an interesting use case for #mergedanalytics that I had not considered before last week.


Signs you should NOT ignore during the presales process

Have you ever had the feeling that you should NOT engage with someone based on a couple of interactions either via Linkedin or Email?

If they are a major pain in presales…how will they be when they are a customer?

It is hard when you are looking for new business. Taking on a wrong account can literally ruin your business.

Although I have been so ridiculously wrong handful of times ….most of the time when my spider senses tell me not to engage…I should have listened.

Thom and I discuss this topic in this clip.

Our website…

You can find the full podcast here…

Podcasting in place of Cold Calling

I have a theory on B2B podcasting and how it’s growth and success is directly correlated with the demise of B2B cold calling.

In this segment of “Take a Breath ” Thom and I discuss how cold calling is being leveraged to get people to become familiar with you and your brand on their own time rather then being put on the spot during a cold call.

What are your thoughts how podcasting is being used by B2B organizations?


Do you have influencers?

Do you have influencers?

It takes time and some luck to find them.

I view anyone who refers us business as an influencer.

Yesterday we had a large National Engineering firm sign on to use MergedAnalytics because an Architectural firm they work with told them about all the business they can directly tie to the timely actionable intelligence #mergedanalytics delivered to them.

In the AEC world (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) ….finding opportunities early in the process before initiatives become public means these firms can proactively make contact and bid earlier.

Earlier bidding means….winning more deals.

When you have others selling your product for you because they have had real success with it….that is the ultimate promise land in the marketing world.

Google Tag Manager (GTM) and MergedAnalytics

In the analytics world….there is no 1 tool that solves all needs.

One good option is to use Google Tag Manager (GTM)and feed analytics from multiple sources into it.

MergedAnalytics and GTM form a powerful analytics tool.
MergedAnalytics works well with GTM

Many savvy partners that we have put the #mergedanalytics pixel on their GTM.

The benefit is that all of your analytics tools feed into one common user interface making analysis that much simpler.

Early Engagement = Sales

Buyers are more then 60% through the purchasing process before they make contact with your organization.

They also view an average of 10 pieces of content your organization produces online before they reach out to you.

This means by the time they reach out and make themselves known to you….they have basically already decided they plan to move forward.

To me…this leaves an awful amount of responsibility on the buyer to understand exactly what your company can do for them.

What if they misunderstand some content and then rule your company out based on that misunderstanding?

How would you know they had interest in the first place?

Tools like #mergedanalytics provide an opportunity to engage earlier in the process putting you and your organization in a position to win more than you do today.

Lead Generation

MergedAnalytics is a great tool for telling you who is interacting with your digital brand.

There are times when the intelligence that MergedAnalytics delivers is underwhelming.

Intelligence can not be delivered if no one is interacting with your website or the links you post to social media and/or in your emails.

No analytics is actually important information….it is signaling you need to drive interest and more traffic.

We can help.


Reacting to faulty data

Are reacting to analytics that lack veracity?

If blood work is collected and analyzed by your Dr.. If the numbers from that test are not correct for some reason ….your Dr. may react in a way that he shouldn’t. He may treat you for an issue that you do not have.

If an investor makes investments based on information that lack veracity….that would obviously negatively impact performance and investment money will be lost.

Same is true for your Digital Marketing Analytics.

If you are reacting to clicks made on your website and/or opens and clicks from an email campaign…. you better make sure those opens and clicks were made by real people and not by Bots, Servers, Crawlers etc..

MergedAnalytics filters out non Human Clicks

MergedAnalytics filters out non human clicks by default putting you in a position to focus on real intelligence.

Life is too short to chase bots.



Here is a hack to help with your SEO…

When you add an image in a social media post, webpage or blogpost… make certain you add text in the ” AltText field ” for that image.

Make sure the text is relevant to the content in your post.

Adding text to the “AltText” field is an opportunity to highlight that content to Google.

The “AltText” that you add….is the only thing the crawlers see from the images.

Crawlers recognize “AltText”…., but NOT images.



Get more from QR Codes

Do you know who is clicking your QR Codes?

Do you know if your QR Codes are even getting clicked?

If the QR Code is getting clicked….where else do those people click through on your website.

MergedAnalytics SmartLinks will deliver this intelligence….even in some cases will pick up EMAIL ADDRESSES of the people who click those QR Codes.

Use MergedAnalytics SmartLinks with QR Codes

Thom StallingsMergedAnalytics LLC
